
Monday 19 September 2011

So, I was thinking,

and I realised that no matter what I do in life, I want to be known. I'm an attention whore like that. I can't stand not being noticed. ._.

Sunday 18 September 2011

I feel like shit.

Seriously. I'm either shivering like mental, or really hot and I keep having these headaches, wtf is wrong with me? .__.

Monday 12 September 2011

Most people are most affraid of what they don't know

Like, how they don't know what people will think of them if they share something about themselves, they don't know if the person will understand or not, and that's scary. For example, you are ill in hospital and the doctors don't know what the illness is, you're afraid of how bad it turns out to be and by doing so, you expect the worst and dread the results. It may just be a simple cold. Everyone comes to a time when they worry what people will think of them and there is always going to be someone who hates you for who you are, and a part of who you are is how you battle the fucktards. Hate is not biologically ingrained in people. They hate out of ignorance, not being able to understand and how they were brought up. So yeah, be yourself and be happy about it. :]

"Thank you mother fucking nature."

I think I might be...

Ever have something to say but no matter what you do you can't come out with it? Yeah. Feel like that right about now. It's not the realisation as much as the guilt, either.

Wednesday 7 September 2011

It has been a while!

To say the least. Every day I come on Blogger, see this blog lying untouched, and think 'eh, I'll post tomorrow'. I never do, obviously. I'm not sure what it is, I just can't give myself motivation to write. Today though, I came on Blogger and saw that Ro blogged. This made me feel guilty. Like I should've too. So I am. Right now.

Yeah man.

Friday 2 September 2011

My new favorite word?


Ahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahah xD

Saturday 23 July 2011

The funny thing is,

I always thought I knew who I wanted to be. Up until a few days ago, I was dead set on my future. I had everything planned out and sorted. I thought I knew where I was going; who I wanted to be. But then I realised I have no fucking idea.

When I was very little, it was an artist.

Then, it was a writer.

Now? Now all I want is to be pretty.

Keep dreaming sweetheart. ♥

Help will always be given at Hogwarts, to those who deserve it

1) I can't go a day without being called emo at least sixty bajillion times.
The bastards these days pick out every little difference someone has and tears it apart, they can't accept that there is someone out there who doesn't have their style just because it's what everyone else goes for, you're an individual and there are few people in this world who can see the beauty of individuality but regardless of who likes it, it will always win.
2) I've realised that popularity is the only thing that matters in this world.
It's much better to have a few close, trustworthy friends than hundreds who would knock you down with a batter of an eyelid.
There will be a time when their popularity will fail them, I promise.
3) It doesn't look like I'm going to have a career in the near future/ever.
Of course you will, they'll be stuck behind a till in McDonalds while your living it up, doing whatever you put your mind to because that is what you deserve.
4) The only person that understood me a little now hates my living guts.
Look a little closer, there was always more than one
5) I listen to this song (click) almost every day and cry and cry and cry.
Your allowed to cry, you can be strong tomorrow❤
6) My parents have reached new heights of favouritism and ignorance.
They love you just as much, you just feel differently because you think everything else is falling down beneath you, they will always be there for you.
7) TC is becoming a less important part of my life as the months go by.
For a lot of people, and you, TC is a safety place, I know it was for me, you'll need it less and less every day but you'll always need the special few who made it safest.
8) I feel like no-one understands me and no-one cares enough to try to.
People talk about their friends in RL and then their friends in TC, well it may be online but that doesen't make the people any less real, I know I always at least try to understand and 9 times out of 10 I always will
9) I'm having suicidal thoughts all the time, then nightmares all night long.
I know what you're going through, you just need some kind of release, weather it's talking to someone about it or doing something that brings you back to a time where those kind of thoughts never entered your head.
10) Writing and playing music are my only two escapes at the moment.
Ahh, same tbh :L

Thursday 14 July 2011

Let's update, shall we?

1) I can't go a day without being called emo at least sixty bajillion times.
2) I've realised that popularity is the only thing that matters in this world.
3) It doesn't look like I'm going to have a career in the near future/ever.
4) The only person that understood me a little now hates my living guts.
5) I listen to this song (click) almost every day and cry and cry and cry.
6) My parents have reached new heights of favouritism and ignorance.
7) TC is becoming a less important part of my life as the months go by.
8) I feel like no-one understands me and no-one cares enough to try to.
9) I'm having suicidal thoughts all the time, then nightmares all night long.
10) Writing and playing music are my only two escapes at the moment.

And that sums up my miserable life right now.

Saturday 25 June 2011

People call me emo

But 'm not

I think of them as sluts but what if he same rules apply and they're actually just popular people who date a lot?

Thursday 23 June 2011

I just had a hotdog


Just thought you should know :3

Saturday 18 June 2011

I'm in the paper!

Well I'M not but something I wrote is.
I sent a letter to the editor about the live animal exports that are going to start soon by my town and she put it in ^_^

Woop woop!

Thursday 16 June 2011

Geography lesson time ;;D

Now, assuming you have one, get out your map of England.
Now look down to the bottom.
See the right-hand side, right down the bottom, see the random un-needed shitty bit poking out the side? Thats Kent!
So. I live in the chavvy-seaside-town Margate in Kent.
In year six, everyone in Kent is asked if they would like to do the Kent Test or "11+" it involves three sections, maths, english and then there's an all-round-thingy with multiple choice questions, I think you have to get to like 400-odd marks to pass but I'll get to that in a sec.
So the last quarter of year six is devoted to pissing around and preparing for the kent test. It was very strict and at the official exam days head teachers had to switch schools to make sure no one cheated.
The idea is that if you 'pass' you get the option to go to a grammar school, it's different to normal schools because OFSTED don't come, we get HMI instead which is her majesties inspector, other schools get that too sometimes but they get OFSTED too. The Grammar schools are completely funded by the government. I go to Dane Court Grammar School, it's alright :L
Don't get me wrong, grammar schools are definitely not full of bods, we still have the really anoying people who always say stupid stuff and you just want to shoot them in the head, and of course being in thanet we have A LOT OF CHAVS AND WHORES.
SO the 11+ used to be all round England but we're a bit slow. :3
I didn't have any reason to share this tbqh apart from the fact that I think the kent test is a load of bullshit and grammar schools are stuck up bastards. If you get 7 or less in a test out of 10 then you have to do a retest and if you get a C your looked down on so fucking much and love, I put the D in Drama :]

Friday 10 June 2011

For the past three days,

my friends have been asking almost non-stop, 'what's wrong', 'you look like you're about to cry' and 'are you alright'. I contemplated this after I posted my last entry, thinking about all the things that could of upset me over the past few days. And then, then I realised. Why am I upset? My guard is down. I've stopped putting on the silly happy smiles and the laughter.
It's not that I'm upset, it's that I'm finally showing my friends who I really am and how I really feel, and instead of trying to make me feel better, all they're doing is nagging me and irritating me to the point where I snap at them for the slightest thing. They think it's my time of the month and that I'm being a bitch for no reason. In reality, I'm just sending out signals that they aren't picking up.
People laugh about the amount of friends I have with the last name 'Stardoll' on Facebook, assuming I've met these people online. It's true, of course. I do meet a lot of people online. Heck, I met Ro - who I consider to be one of the greatest friends I have - on Stardoll. The thing is, I trust the people I've never met more than the ones I have because they get me. They have no way of being fake or back-stabbing because it's just us two against the world. There's no-one for them to back-stab me with.
Even my parents, the people that are supposed to know me better than I know myself, can't see anything's wrong. Heck, if they did I would be worried. They see nothing. They know nothing. I'm their little angel that turns into a total cow the minute the house leaves my sight. And it worries me. It makes me feel like I'm the only one that has these problems. But I'm not. I can't be.
I'm going to finish this post on a lie - okay? Here is the biggest lie, a photo of my hand that I've been showing people for the last three days...

Thursday 9 June 2011

I was a bitch today.

Seriously, I've never been in a worse mood. I even wrote i'mok! on my hand because people kept asking me what was wrong every two seconds. Know that feeling when you want to rip every single person that even speaks to you's head off? It was like that times ten. I felt like a walking bomb with three seconds until I exploded all day, which, for the record, is an absolutely crap feeling.
The weirdest thing is, I don't even know why I was angry. It's not like there's anything happening in my life that's interesting enough to cause stress or whatever. I mean, jeez, I don't do any work at school or home! I guess it's just karma deciding I've had too much good luck with my friendships recently and that it needs to break off all my ties before I actually get some real friends.
Whatever. Keep calm and become a pirate, eh Ro?

Saturday 4 June 2011

Monday 30 May 2011

My 14th year resolution?

To make up with Faith
And to be nice to... Ria...

(Even though shes a bitch who turned my 8-year-long-best-friendship into crap after I was her friend when no one else was) Sorry, I swear thats the last bad word I'll say about her 'till I'm 14

(My head doesn't count btw)

Friday 27 May 2011

I just realized...

I have the best mates in the world, online and not and I fucking love them all so much ❤_ ❤

In form my mates gave me a massive card with all of my stupid quotes I've said in the past in it and made cakes saying "Roisin is sexy" for my birthday which we ate in form, even though my group of friends is kind of cut down the middle because of an argument it's like they all tried to get along for me and I don't think they were acting all the time. :]

Tuesday 24 May 2011


Soooo... long time no type? I've been extremely busy writing, tbh. I've uploaded my story to Wattpad and lots of people are enjoying it. :D
That's all I can really say. If you want to read the story you can here. I'd appreciate the support. More tomorrow. I need to talk about my life.

Wednesday 18 May 2011


Robyn bullies me :[

Ro... I have to do this.

Besides the fact I keep having dreams about being on the Graham Norton show, life is fairly uneventful. You know I got my tooth pulled out? It's very... attractive. LOL. Here's a photo if you really want to know how awfully disgusting it looks...

Yeah, you can barely see it there, but if you click on the picture it gets bigger and you can see a tiny reddish brownish blackish blob? That's my hole. ;-) The tooth was like an inch long! :O

Anyway, enough about me... Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. Ro's voice is posh. :D

New kitten!!!

So when someone says 'Free to a good home' I suppose it's hard to say no, especially when there's a 8 week old ginger and white kitten involved
Here's a video of the baby playing with my brother while he thinks up names. Yes, my voice is retarded. No Robyn, it is not posh

Tuesday 17 May 2011


I'm so not watching teen titans...

Exams Are Over!!! :D

Finally -.- We took our last exam in the sports hall where you can hear pretty much everything going on outside and so as planned my mates friend from the train who was having a P.E lesson outside slammed into the sports hall screaming "Ohh yeah Shane, harder harder" which we all found hilarious. Obviously causing uproar and several detentions :[

Monday 16 May 2011

My tooth got numbed.

Because I had it pulled out. But it's worn off now. It was fun. Very... weird. I think I hallucinated or else that lady walking through the streets with a parrot was real. . . yeah. :F

Problem solved.

Pirate theme.

Monday 9 May 2011

Bad things always come in three's

1) I have a throat infection
2) Mum's done her knee in again after a student ran into her
3) Jack's killed his elbow and leg skateboarding but they can't stitch it so they glued it

But ;o 20 days!

Sunday 8 May 2011


I finally understand how to work Tumblr. It took a while, but I think I get it now. :L

Friday 6 May 2011

It's my birthday in 23 days...

Not that I'm counting or anything...

Writing, writing, writing! :O

I've been going a bit crazy on the whole I-want-to-be-a-writer thing, cracking out a new idea almost every day this week. Honestly, I have nothing other to say than that. Besides the fact I have to practise piano for seven hours between now and Friday for my exam... ch'yeah. Enjoy life while you can, peoples.  

Tuesday 3 May 2011

I swear it's impossible to do the same thing twice...

Before Christmas I got my hairdresser to give me a side fringe and it was really good, she feathered it through and all. But this time when I went she completely fucked it up so its like straight at the bottom and whenever I move my head it turns into a full fringe I mean wtf is wrong with her? I only asked for a trim!
I swear, I would have preferred her to give me a bloody mullet!

Friday 29 April 2011

Ah shit

I just broke another nail -.-"

The things that annoyed me today

1) Princess Beatrice's hat looked like antlers
2) Samantha Cameron didn't wear a hat
3) My brother is such a dick -.-
4) My friends wont stop ranting about the wedding, unpatriotic bitches
5) I bit my naisl after months of growing them

"The moment of relief when Michael Middleton realises he's not paying for the wedding."

Title. Says. All.

Thursday 28 April 2011

With all due respect,

I couldn't give less of a flying fuck about the royal wedding. Oh wow, cool, we get a day off! But other than that... no, just no. Would they care if I went and got married? I think not. Everyone at school is talking about it, of course, but to us chavvies up in the north, it's about as interesting as the gum under the tables... i.e. not very.
Other than that, there was a fucking massive fly on my arm today. So what does Kaykay do? She says, all casual, 'Robyn, there's a fly on your arm.' Me being tanned old me, I'm used to flies using me like a tree, so I get ready to brush off a tiny little house fly only to scream, 'shiiiiiit' loudly when a sixty bajillion inch giant, beady-eyed black monstrosity glares up at me from my non-existant right biceps. I have never been more scared in my entire life. . .
Other than that, life is boring, Izzie's never on MSN, I think he likes me (for real now, not like the last two times which flopped back on me like a fat guy landing on a diving board) and I'm off to go drink some Horlix... nighty night bitches. ♥


I'm a 'charming young lady' Ah If only he knew what I say behind his back :]
Ok so I'm shite at Biology which doesn't run well seeing how my Dad is a science teacher -.-
But top in my year at Geography? The teacher was probably as surprised as I was (Y)

Scouts was canceled :[
On a side note
Will you be watching the royal wedding tomorrow?
I want to see her dress, her hair and the flowers mostly. Not to be sinical but it really is just two people getting married nothing worth all of the advertisement but I wish them the best of luck and hope that this marrige lasts longer than the most recent royal wedding

Parents evening tonight

If I'm not back by seven...

I've gone to scouts :]

Wednesday 27 April 2011

They're engaged.

They're fucking engaged.
I officially have no reason to live.
Side note; How ugly is the ring!?(':

Tuesday 26 April 2011

That hurt.

My 'friend' and I were talking on fb. And she started bugging me about school, then she said; 'do you except to keep friends this way?' and 'fine, dont have any friends left'
that hurt

You wanna be, you wanna be, a loser like me! ♥

You realize I'm standing right in front of you?

I just don't get why just because yeah, I'm not the most talkative person in the world, they seem to think that I don't have an opinion and I don't matter and I'm only there to have the piss taken out of. Oh look, shes from a different country lets call her a leprechaun, in front of her face because she isn't pathetic enough to act like pretty much all of the others in the school who think it's okay to be a genuinely horrible person just because they're ashamed of being different.
You know, it's not fun to have a group of people stand in front of you, call you damn ugly then walk of with their mates laughing. And I wouldn't dare point out her flaws because that would make me known as the bully. I slapped her once, fair enough, it was a pretty good hit but I don't think I deserved the dirty looks and names I got after years of torment from her, did I? So thank you to all of my friends because even though you can see all of my flaws, you don't pick them out and judge me for it.

Monday 25 April 2011

Nice B|

'Nuff said.


German homework+No glasses= Major headache
Ró+Major headache+Sunburn=Pissed off
= ¬_¬

Some drawings because I have nothing to say.

I swear one day my brother will drive me to the brink of insanity - and no, I don't need stupid jokes about how I'm already there, I'm in a shit mood. So here's some drawings I've been doing over the past few days (although some are older.

Piper McLean - Heroes of Olympus

Chimchar - Pokemon

Piplup - Pokemon

And a random eye.


Ok so my Grandad was teaching me how to juggle easter and I can't do it with three balls because I can't keep them going in this invisible 'arch' he kept insisting I had to follow. But I can do it with two and I can manage to bounce the lemons off every wall in the conservatory which makes lemons go everywhere. Then Grandad told me that it takes at least two months to perfect juggling and I was like fuck no.
But I doubted he'd let me off that easily and he's brining bean-bags round today 'cause I had none :3 Now, my juggling isn't the most graceful of acts and Kozmo kept looking at me like I was retarded so I put my socks on him and I have an adorable photo of him with stripy legs lying on his back with his bandanna worn as a cape, quite sexy I must say. But it isn't the most apropriate of photos as his.... little friend was showing a bit too much.
But in twenty years when my writing career is down the drain, I WILL BECOME A JUGGLING SENSATION!

Sunday 24 April 2011

That totally breaks my heart.

So on the day before Easter, my darling father (sarcasm) decides to call to see if my brother and I are going to see his family on Easter. At first, my brother wanted to go, so I was like; 'yeah, watever.', then my dad decided to be the world's biggest douche bag, so I said I wasn't going to go, then he started ranting about how I'm his daughter, and stuff, so my mum decided she would have a go at him, which was total entertainment, and of course, he hung up on her. The truth hurts, doesn't it?
So, we reckon that that's the end of any 'relationship' we'll ever have with our father, which is totally fine by my brother and I, so yeah, that's what I'm not heartbroken over. I was just like "I hope he stays out this time."

'Right, so then I went to lunch with my mum's family on Easter, and of course, my mum brings up what happened with dad, and everyone says their piece, which was also very funny, then my aunt (who me, mum and Ric don't like) starts ranting about what mum should have said to pwn him, and I wanted to piss myself laughing, b'cause she's never shown she cares, so that was also funny.
Then mum decides to bring up how dad owes $4000 in childsupport, and they start having a go at me for saying that I don't care whether or not they chase dad up, when ultimately, it ain't up to me, so that kind of upset me.

But enough ranting about how much I hate my father :D

Happy Easter everyone! And some news... ;)

Happy Easter! I only got one egg. ):

So, I officially have an obsession with DeviantART, this awesome site where everyday thousands of people upload photographs and art in general. It's an amazing community and no matter what you upload, someone will most likely favourite it. I've made a friend there - tee hee, I'm good at doing that - and so far I love the whole site. If you want to have a look at my profile thing, you can click here. :)

I'm going on holiday for two days at the end of May and for three weeks in summer (and that's just so far o-o) so be prepared for a long time without me. D': How will you guys live... seriously!? Yeah. We're going to Thorpe Park for the two-day thing and then around Bangkok (I can hear Ro giggling ;)), Vietnam and places like that for the three-week one. Should be very educational and anti-internet... sounds just like my mum.

On a completely unrelated side-note: Ro is a good blogger... noticed? O:

Have a great Easter and make a DeviantART. Kthxbaii. ♥

*-* Chocolate Egg & Chicken Run

^ Perfect Easter

Happy Easter To Our Followers!!!

Saturday 23 April 2011

Qué vas a hacer estefin de semana?

... Sure

Exams -.-`

I have to prepare for a speaking german and spanish exam which is so much fun -.-"
Then I have to go over Music Theory
Then Maths revision...
I'll start tomorrow and then I'll have Monday to do it too.

Then theres parents evening Tuesday.

Friday 22 April 2011

My mother is obsessed.

So far this year, we're going to Thorpe Park on May thirtieth through to June first, then we're going on a three-week tour of Vietnam and Thailand in the summer. My mother has literally become obsessed with holidays and anything related to that. Sure, the 'rents have been married twenty five years in May, but seriously? I'm kind of glad I left TC before this all happened or else the withdrawal symptoms would've kicked in and kicked in hard.
On another note, Wattpad's... working... although I use that term loosely. The latest chapter of my drug The Unholy Trinity won't work, nor will Prank War, the other story in my library, but the Wattpad team has assured everyone on Facebook it should be back to normal soon. So - considering we have no readers I'll aim this at Ro - we should have our heaven on earth back by next week dearest.
Have a nice sleep, gorgeous people. :-)



I might just have to eat Liv ¬-¬

Thursday 21 April 2011

The Cons And Pros Of Living At The Seaside.

:D Stuff
-Wherever I go (in the county) I will always be at most ten minutes away from a beach
-Pretty views ^-^
-When I get bored I can easily walk down and go swimming
-It's free :D
-This spring is randomly HOT

D: Stuff
-My friends are lazy arses who would prefer to spend three hours in a dark cinema thingy.
-The sea breeze makes summer just a tiny but cooler
-In the summer we can't bring dogs down. (what sick bastard came up with that?)

Oh we do like our lists
(Canoeing in my language)

I'm going to see Hop today.

Indeed. Apparently, it's a little kid's movie about the Easter bunny... and me and my best friend Molly are going to watch it. Call me immature but I'm reaally excited. Lulz.

On another note, Wattpad's servers are down so I'm practically crying on the floor right now. I have nothing to do without Wattpad being there for me to read stories on. It's like, this feeling of emptiness... plus, my YouTube video won't upload which sucks even more. :l

Tuesday 19 April 2011

I officially have too much free time.

I've painted my nails six times in two days, eaten more sugar than it is healthy too within an hour, written a two thousand word story in less than an hour and I am now blogging about the joys of my miserable life without a virtual club on an online website to keep me company. I have to say, my life has never been more boring and un-interesting. I'll leave it on that - how is everyone? ♥

Monday 18 April 2011

If I've learnt one thing

in thirteen years, it's that everyone is going to leave you.
Everyone is going break your heart.
And everyone is going to lie.

Sunday 17 April 2011

A joke is fun, and all,

but I hate it when people take a joke too far. When you try to tell them how upsetting it is to you, but they just ignore you, and carry on. Then they wonder why you're completely pissed off.
Since I'm already ranting, might as well keep on going, right?
Ohkk, so this laptop. It is seriously getting on my nerves. Especially the keyboard! It's not spaced out the way my laptop's keyboard is, so I'm always hitting the wrong keys and making typos that make me look like a complete asshat. Also the 'e' key is missing. I'm not even kidding. It's just gone. Here's a picture;
I think I'll stop before I bore you all to death my compalining.


Ok so the town I live in (Margate) used to be a really good spot for tourists because it's at the seaside and blahh.
But then it turned into a really shitty arcade place but the view is really good and it's a really pretty town so the council are doing this whole big thing to get it popular again and they openedthe Turner Centre yesterday.
William Turner was an artist who came to Margate to paint the landscape because at night the sky is all colorful and really pretty. So they opened an art gallery in his name.

Another new opening thingy happened today, one of my scout leaders (Kerry) bought Wally World which is like an amazing children's play place with a moose down the seafront... Anyways, I went with my mate Charlotte and yes, we had a fight in the ball pit. I also made loads of five year old buddies :] A guy dressed as captain Jack sparrow made us balloon swords AND THERE WAS FREE CUPCAKAES!!!!
Kerry also did our face-paint and I am so proud of mine I just have to show you a picture.


I've never been so disappointed...

Everyday on this Facebook game, I've collected by basket towards getting a free Easter prize. Then yesterday, I missed it. And BOOM. I can't get the prize anymore. ):

Saturday 16 April 2011

Downloading fonts off the internet.

I can practically hear you asking 'what the hell' inside your head right now. Honestly, it's not that hard to do, and I can admit quite happily to spending hours today doing it. I found this website - link here - that has like, fifteen thousand different fonts. Practically in heaven, I downloaded about twenty in the space of an hour. They're totally free and once you've installed them on your computer, boom! You can use them on Word, Movie Maker... any program that uses the system fonts. *Sigh*... I'm one happy girl right now.

Friday 15 April 2011

I don't even know what to say.

I am sick of everyone and everything.
So... Yeah. As of now I am in a permanent bad mood.
Probably a not good idea to talk to me.

Thursday 14 April 2011


Here are few pictures of Boys Like Girls' Martin Johnson because lets face it, he's nomilicious.

So I met up with a pair of my primary school friends the other day and we went to see RIO!!... Anyway, it sucks how i've only really kept in touch with four of them and before yesterday I hadn't seen them before christmas. Also, i've been invited to my mates birthday thingy, arcade and fish and chips? Sounds like a plan.
A part from that the beginning of my holiday has been a right bore which makes me seem miserable but ah well.
Did you know Jessie J is a lesbian? Well I don't know if it's true, not that I really care either, she irritates me but my friend loves her so I think she secretly hopes she has a chance... -.-

In other news, due to my new obsession with Boys like Girls:
Boys Like Girls is an American rock band from Massachusetts. Formed in 2005, the group gained mainstream recognition when it released its self-titled debut album. Boys Like Girls was the co-headliner with Good Charlotte for the Soundtrack of Your Summer Tour 2008 that toured across the United States. The group's second studio album Love Drunk, was released on September 8, 2009. The band is currently in the studio with producer Matt Squire in preparations to record for their third upcoming album.

God bless Wikipedia.
Also, my story Thieves Of The Night has recently reached 660 reads and my other one Remember September has reached 100 so obviously I am rather pleased. ^_^

We like lists... indeed.

Ten reasons why writing is an enjoyable chore - but a chore all the same - for me...

  1. I never manage to finish a story, which makes me a quitter.
  2. No-one reads my stories, no matter where I post them or how much I advertise them.
  3. My ideas sound so much better in my head than they do on paper.
  4. I can't take criticism... it practically kills me every time.
  5. My obsession with Pokémon gets in the way of my writing... (nice excuse huh?)
  6. Whenever I feel like I'm on some sort of a roll, I get distracted and it wears off.
  7. I read novels, which make me think 'damn, I'm crap.'
  8. My computer enjoys shutting down randomly when I'm in the middle of writing.
  9. The internet provides hours of blissful time-wasting daily.
  10. Writing is not cool for teenage girls... pfft.

Wednesday 13 April 2011

Things That Have Pissed Me Off Today;

The title says it all...

1. I woke up at eleven this morning... Then fell asleep again until like four this afternoon.
2. Mum wouldn't make dinner as soon as she got home, and I was starving.
3. Ric won't turn his fucking music down.
4. Ric wouldn't stop talking/humming while I was trying to watch tv.
5. Ric won't let mum and I watch a movie because he wants the tv, so now no one gets it.
6. Writer's block.
7. Stardoll is being a temperamental little shit.
8. I have a headache again.
9. I want to play Sims, but I can't, because Ric hogs the desktop computer.
10. I am freezing, because I have the ducted heating in my room off, because if it's on, I will boil.
11. Msn hates me.
12. Ric's yelling again. And I can hear him from my room, with my music on.
13. People on my facebook feed talking about seeing Short Stack, when it's a Good Charlotte concert, which I would kill to go to, and Short Stack are just the guests.
14. The polls on facebook.
15. Mum won't stop annoying me to go and watch a movie in her room.

The day's not over. But that's about it so far.

Tuesday 12 April 2011

One word: braces.

I've honestly never been so scared in my life. Accidentally bit right through my lip... okay, ouch. Glasses lens pops out and slices a couple of millimetres away from my eye... yeah, that hurts. But braces? God help me. I have a feeling I'm not going to make it through this without screaming/crying/begging the dentist to give me drugs... hmm.

Then there's the issue of those lovely people who feel the need to explain just how painful it really is. The ones that describe the feeling of your jaw being ripped apart the day after, the ones that constantly have to clean their teeth and mess with the rubber bands holding their jaws together. Heck, I've even seen a girl at my school swallow her rubber bands accidentally. Are these people trying to scar me for life!? 

I think so.

But yes, I'm getting braces today. If I'm not crying later, I might put up a photo. That basically translates to: I'm not putting up a photo. Enjoy your pain-free days people of the world, and pray that I don't die in the dentist's chair...

Oh, also, RIP Bethany Fitzpatrick, a girl from my area that died almost a week ago. It's her funeral today and I know a lot of people that are going. ♥

Monday 11 April 2011

So I'm supposed to be complaining?

Complaining about what? Complaining about how much I want to die? That makes me an attention-seeker. Complaining about my mother? That makes me ungrateful. Complaining about how I can't even talk to my real life friends? At least I have those, right?

So, I leave you with a photo of three unbelievably amazing men;
Good day.

What I hate the most about everything.

It had to be done. :]

1) When the extent of a conversation on MSN or Facebook is:
U ok?
Yh u?
Yh thx
nm, you?
-One hour later-

2) When pound shops don't actually sell anything for £1. What can I say? I like a bargain.

3) When you walk over to a group of people and they suddenly just stop talking and they don't even try to pretend they weren't just talking about you.

4) Citizenship classes, I mean who the hell cares?

5) That look the teacher gives you when you've done something wrong and you can help but laugh and they tell you that it's not funny which makes it oh the more funnier.

But the thing I hate the most is women who think that just because they don't have a man in their life, they don't exist, and they can be pulled and pull everyone into this stupid idea that you need a man to be successful.
Some women can be with the most horrible man possible and when he leaves, she breaks down then what does she do? She goes looking for another one. I'm not saying that every guy is a dickhead but do you see them crying over girls because they know they don't need to.
My Mum always told me that men are like buses. Some take so long to get there but they can be worth the wait because they will take you to such wonderful places. Don't just take the first one because your worried that there won't be another because there always will be. She said that if my Dad didn't treat her like an equal and if I don't feel equal in a relationship then I should be waiting for the next bus. She also told me that you shouldn't be with someone who doesn't think that what you do is worthwhile or that staying at home looking after the children isn't a job because it is and it's bloody hard at that.

My obsession with Pokémon.

So recently, I've been ever-so-slightly obsessed with Pokémon. I got out the old Nintendo DS and the game card for Pokémon Diamond and boom... obsession. It's not unhealthy, I mean, I'm only on it for about fourteen hours a day, but it is taking up and awful lot of time that I could spend doing something more productive, like writing for instance. I've not written a good story in ages. Why? Pokémon, that's why.
Speaking of Pokémon - even though this is totally non-Pokémon related - it's sunny here. Like, really sunny. Like, so sunny I wondered if I'd been deported to Australia without knowing about it. The temperature was creeping up to thirty degrees the other day, which is mad for England, and everyone was staring at the sky like, 'damn, global warming really does exist'. Indeed, it does.
In Wattpad news, I'm writing an unbelievably pathetic story called Modern Day Fairytales that I'm not even going to bother linking you to... yes, it's that bad. I've not read a book in months, speaking of which, not since I read the latest Percy Jackson: Heroes of Olympus book. In fact, I doubt I'll read another book until October when the next in that series comes out. That makes me sound like a sad computer/electronic geek... which I am. 
Anyway, I'm going to stop now before I go mental and post a full eight thousand word essay on here; hey, it's possible I will one day.