
Friday 10 June 2011

For the past three days,

my friends have been asking almost non-stop, 'what's wrong', 'you look like you're about to cry' and 'are you alright'. I contemplated this after I posted my last entry, thinking about all the things that could of upset me over the past few days. And then, then I realised. Why am I upset? My guard is down. I've stopped putting on the silly happy smiles and the laughter.
It's not that I'm upset, it's that I'm finally showing my friends who I really am and how I really feel, and instead of trying to make me feel better, all they're doing is nagging me and irritating me to the point where I snap at them for the slightest thing. They think it's my time of the month and that I'm being a bitch for no reason. In reality, I'm just sending out signals that they aren't picking up.
People laugh about the amount of friends I have with the last name 'Stardoll' on Facebook, assuming I've met these people online. It's true, of course. I do meet a lot of people online. Heck, I met Ro - who I consider to be one of the greatest friends I have - on Stardoll. The thing is, I trust the people I've never met more than the ones I have because they get me. They have no way of being fake or back-stabbing because it's just us two against the world. There's no-one for them to back-stab me with.
Even my parents, the people that are supposed to know me better than I know myself, can't see anything's wrong. Heck, if they did I would be worried. They see nothing. They know nothing. I'm their little angel that turns into a total cow the minute the house leaves my sight. And it worries me. It makes me feel like I'm the only one that has these problems. But I'm not. I can't be.
I'm going to finish this post on a lie - okay? Here is the biggest lie, a photo of my hand that I've been showing people for the last three days...


  1. Ily Robyn and I know how you feel, you just need to realize something, the reason you feel closer to the people on SD is because your willing to let them know things you wouldn't dare let people in real life know because you don't know how they'd react but you shouldn't worry about that 'cause they're your mates and they're worried about you and you probaly tell us more about YOU not just your favorite color than you do with them but regardless of how they see you or what they know about you, we've all been through hell together and we ain't going to give up any time soon❤

  2. Damn straight we aren't. I love you so much Ro. ♥♥
