
Thursday 16 June 2011

Geography lesson time ;;D

Now, assuming you have one, get out your map of England.
Now look down to the bottom.
See the right-hand side, right down the bottom, see the random un-needed shitty bit poking out the side? Thats Kent!
So. I live in the chavvy-seaside-town Margate in Kent.
In year six, everyone in Kent is asked if they would like to do the Kent Test or "11+" it involves three sections, maths, english and then there's an all-round-thingy with multiple choice questions, I think you have to get to like 400-odd marks to pass but I'll get to that in a sec.
So the last quarter of year six is devoted to pissing around and preparing for the kent test. It was very strict and at the official exam days head teachers had to switch schools to make sure no one cheated.
The idea is that if you 'pass' you get the option to go to a grammar school, it's different to normal schools because OFSTED don't come, we get HMI instead which is her majesties inspector, other schools get that too sometimes but they get OFSTED too. The Grammar schools are completely funded by the government. I go to Dane Court Grammar School, it's alright :L
Don't get me wrong, grammar schools are definitely not full of bods, we still have the really anoying people who always say stupid stuff and you just want to shoot them in the head, and of course being in thanet we have A LOT OF CHAVS AND WHORES.
SO the 11+ used to be all round England but we're a bit slow. :3
I didn't have any reason to share this tbqh apart from the fact that I think the kent test is a load of bullshit and grammar schools are stuck up bastards. If you get 7 or less in a test out of 10 then you have to do a retest and if you get a C your looked down on so fucking much and love, I put the D in Drama :]

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